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RUBBER ROUTE is an individual company of business nature, certified by the ISO 9001:2015 standard, specialized in the provision of technical advisory and consulting services; activities to support teaching and research; other business service activities such as processing, product management and marketing of crumb rubber and Technically Specified Natural Rubber (TSR-10) for applications in the segments of tires, auto parts, rubber devices and adhesives.
In order to maintain its business management system, Rubber Route keeps a close relationship with its suppliers, thus, allowing crumb collection routes in the producing regions, with advice and consultancy in specialized agronomic management, helping to achieve the best results in the use of the crumb rubber and guaranteeing the final quality of its TSR-10 product, for customer satisfaction.
We love working with our partners and if you’re looking for more information please reach out to us.
Find ways to stay in contact with us through all of our social media platforms. Leave us a comment to let us know how we’re doing.
Brazil, South America
T. +55.17.3226 6072
E. info@rubberroute.com
Find ways to stay in contact with us through all of our social media platforms. Leave us a comment to let us know how we’re doing.